Leonora is not afraid to resort to violence. She can stun guards with blows or even kill them with her knife. On the other hand, her violin helps keep the group’s morale high.


Leonora was born into a wealthy merchant family, part of the emerging middle class. Their aspirations were to attain a standard of living and status similar to the nobility, though their values differed significantly from those of Spain's "Grandes."
Her father, a renowned locksmith, was ahead of his time in many respects. He wanted his daughter to be guided by reason and education from an early age, though he did not wish for her to deviate entirely from the traditional path expected of a well-positioned young woman in the 1700s.
A passionate reader and violinist, Leonora gradually began to suffer from a strange illness that affected her nerves, causing violent, uncontrollable fits that took hold of her body in unpredictable ways.

As the years passed, these attacks became more frequent and, unfortunately, more severe. To her family’s shame, it became increasingly difficult to hide the consequences of her outbursts.
After this devastating incident, and in pursuit of both reason and civic order, her family decided to place Leonora in a madhouse in the Pyrenees. They hoped that with the aid of their savings, she might live a somewhat dignified life there, and perhaps even find a cure to alleviate her affliction.
However, once behind the doors of the monastery and unable to afford a better room, Leonora’s reality became far more grim. She soon found herself not only confronting the harsh environment but also battling the demons within her.
Her brother’s knife is always by her side, carefully hidden. It seems to whisper to her in the darkness of her cell...

Leonora is an intriguing character with an adventurous spirit.
Her role in the group balances seemingly opposing abilities:
On one hand, her violin skills provide entertainment and help boost group morale.
On the other hand, Leonora is a dangerously capable character. She is the only protagonist able to assassinate another character directly, and her talents in climbing, rope handling, and lockpicking make her the ideal scout, leading the group through the monastery’s most perilous areas.

A fiery inmate that doesn't shy away from violence.
Leonora uses her hidden knife to assassinate those in her way, at the cost of her own health and sanity. A wooden plank can serve as a makeshift weapon to knock them out.
Her ability to climb and to pick locks enables her to reach places that other characters cannot. She can then set up a rope down so other members of the team can reach her.

During the night she can play her violin to comfort the team and heal their sanity.
Leonora can also sell loot to get some money back, or use those coins to bribe guards and reduce the security level of an area.

Leonora’s past comes to life while in proximity of significant flames, which will prevent her from using some of her abilities.
If her sanity drops and she suffers a shock, additional traumas will resurface. After unlocking her Rage Meter, she will become more violent and difficult to control while close to those that tortured her.