de Rojas
The group doesn’t know much about Eduardo. After years of imprisonment, he has become mute and developed remarkable strength to move heavy objects and craft various tools.


** The other protagonists know very little about Eduardo. Of them all, he is undoubtedly the one who has been imprisoned in the monastery the longest.**
After years of confinement, surrounded by all manner of mental afflictions and possibly subjected to mistreatment, Eduardo’s sanity has been severely compromised.
Despite his towering height, Eduardo behaves like a frightened puppy, constantly anxious and jittery. However, the most troubling aspect is that over time, he seems to have lost the ability to speak.
His companions are unsure if this is the result of an injury or accumulated trauma. This adds to the mystery surrounding his character.

Despite these challenges, Eduardo proves to be a loyal companion, assisting the group in every way possible when it comes to achieving their goals.
He possesses immense strength for his size, a sharp contrast to his timid nature. Yet the most surprising aspect of this giant is his remarkable talent for crafting and designing all manner of objects, gadgets, and even small structures. Could this be a clue to Eduardo’s past?
What his companions do not know is that, in his youth, Eduardo was a highly skilled sailor and engineer. For several years, he played an active role in the reconstruction and adaptation of the monastery after its expropriation from the Jesuits, serving as a master builder.
But what happened after that? Why was he imprisoned with the rest of the inmates? Perhaps he uncovered something forbidden within the monastery, or maybe he was involved in a secret project that was never meant to come to light.
Whatever the case, Eduardo was subjected to cruel and preventive confinement to ensure his silence. His true story may yet come to light, if his new friends dig deep enough.

Eduardo brings a range of abilities to the group, allowing the player to interact with the environment in ways that solve puzzles and open new paths.
Thanks to his immense strength, he can move large blocks to create steps for his companions, place planks to build bridges over gaps, pull down palisades and walls with a lever, and even sabotage traps to neutralize them.
However, his most important skills come into play during the management phase. Eduardo is the only character capable of crafting new items using materials found along the way, which is essential for progressing in the adventure. Additionally, he can build upgrades in the cell that provide permanent bonuses to the entire team.

A silent giant with unmatched strength and resourcefulness.
Eduardo uses his brute strength to push blocks, break doors, and shatter mirrors. He can throw debris to create distractions and carry large planks to build bridges over obstacles.
Immune to the panic of Madmen, Eduardo can block doors with chains to slow down enemies or use them to stun multiple foes.

A reliable worker who earns favors and crafts tools.
At night, Eduardo crafts useful items from collected materials, reduces the team’s punishment level by performing favors, and strikes deals with guards to secure safety for his companions.

A tormented soul trapped in silence and fear.
Eduardo cannot speak, his attempts only reminding him of his inner torment. His fear of enclosed spaces makes hiding unbearable, damaging his sanity when forced to take cover.