Old Agnes helps the group with her witchcraft, casting spells which are undetectable by the guards, causing various effects like the evil eye and extinguishing lights.


At the end of the 18th century, the situation regarding witchcraft in Spain was peculiar: although it had been several decades since the Inquisition had persecuted witches, most Spaniards still believed in their existence and feared them.
Agnes considers herself a witch and is convinced that she has made some sort of pact with the devil—a belief that fills her with deep remorse and torment. Whether real or imagined, Agnes believes she possesses certain powers, and to some extent, they seem to work!
However, it’s hard to say if these events are truly happening or if they exist only in the poor old woman’s mind, for to others, her rituals appear as nothing more than violent gestures and incoherent shouting when she attempts to invoke her powers.

These displays, nonetheless, earned her a reputation as both a healer and a sorceress in her small village, until a wave of illnesses and misfortunes struck her neighbors.
It was then that the community turned against Agnes, and she was nearly killed by a mob. She would have been, had the court of "La Suprema" not intervened.
After an investigation, Agnes was imprisoned in the monastery—not as a witch but as a madwoman—since it was concluded that her stories were the product of superstition and the delusions of a poor, deranged woman.
Furthermore, her village posed a mortal danger to her, as the locals were still consumed by rage. In the eyes of the Inquisition, Agnes had committed no heresy, but to the "Ilustrados," she was a threat to the social order and the principles of reason.

Agnes is a support character who, through her spells, provides a variety of tools to help the group explore and analyze their surroundings, remain unnoticed, and devise better strategies.
She can also perform powerful actions such as terrifying a guard. Her spells, moreover, do not attract the attention of the guards, who, of course, do not believe in magic. This gives Agnes some of the most powerful abilities in the game.
At night, Agnes can heal her companions' wounds and brew potions with various beneficial effects.
However, due to her advanced age and fragile health, Agnes struggles with mobility, which can make navigating the monastery difficult. Her limited mobility (so severe that she cannot even climb ladders) can become a burden for the group in more physically demanding situations.

A cunning witch who bends the environment to her will.
Agnes uses dark spells to manipulate her surroundings and outwit enemies: she extinguishes or ignites flames from afar, curses foes to halt their actions, and summons swarms of flies to create chaos. She can possess statues to observe from a distance and gather useful plants while remaining unseen.

Curses and potions to protect the team.
At night, Agnes casts curses to put guards into a deep sleep and performs rituals to cure her teammates’ disorders.

Age and superstition are her greatest enemies.
Agnes’ frail body limits her mobility—she cannot climb or sprint. Her fear of mirrors and altars erodes her sanity, and prolonged inactivity causes her to fall into a deep sleep.